Our Society BOD election cycle has once again come around and Nominations for vacant Board seats are now requested. John Langlot’s term is expiring. He has been serving on the Board since 2008 and after 11 years of excellent service, he has indicated he wishes to retire and pursue his modeling interests. Tom Carr, our Secretary, was appointed to fill the vacancy left when Ben Ringnalda resigned his seat last fall. Tom has expressed his wish to stand for election as his term also expires this year. And at July’s end, Director Scott Tanner submitted his resignation after serving three and a half years of his term. This election will be for three seats on the GNRHS Board, two six year terms and one two year term.
The BOD determines the long-term direction of the Society and is responsible for maintaining and protecting the Society’s property and management of its business and fiscal affairs. The BOD meets annually at the convention and Directors should be able to attend the annual meeting. Directors review financial and policy documents and conduct much business by email through the year and should be able to respond to email discussions promptly.
With the ongoing efforts to improve the management and operations of GNRHS announced by President McGinley in the June Goat, the job of all GNRHS Board Directors will see changes. Each Board member will assume a leadership role as Chairman of a committee overseeing one of our seven major programs. They include membership, conventions, company store, archives, publications, heritage projects (Hustle Muscle and GNRHS grants to other non-profits) and in the near future, development (fundraising). Board Committee Chairs should plan on developing materials pertinent to their program including position papers, reports and research regarding their committee’s function and operations, and to be able to lead and oversee the activities of committee members. This will assure the tying of the governance role of the BOD to the committee’s work. Other standing committees will continue to exist and will include various Directors in the makeup of the committee.
Email will continue to be a major channel for Board communications. Live video conferencing has been established for the BOD to engage in work and planning meetings outside of regular official meetings. These conferences occur quite regularly and are typically held to one hour’s duration. The Board has been evaluating a more robust on-line management software system geared to non-profits and plans to implement that strategy soon. Directors should be familiar with digital devices (computers, tablets and/or smart phones) and their associated software applications in the conduct of Society business. Orientation for new Directors will be conducted early in their terms after the election.
Any questions about the position of GNRHS Director, or application procedures, should be directed to GNRHS president, Bill McGinley, or any member of the Board of Directors. All contact information can be found on the inside front cover of the Goat. Nominations must be received by October 15th. Ballots will be in the December Goat publication.
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