The 2007 GNRHS Convention was held in Minot, North Dakota from Sunday, July 15 to Wednesday, July 18. For additional day-by-day photos and accompanying text, click the buttons to the left. The agenda was as follows: Sunday, July 15 0800 - 1300 - Board Meeting 1300 - 1330 - Welcome Meeting 1330 - 1700 - Registration 1400 - 1430 - Set
up for Rail Fair, Model Contest, Casey Adams Photo Contest 1430 - 1830 - Rail Fair, Model
Contest, Casey Adams Photo Contest 1700 - 1900 - Dinner on your own 1900 - 2000 - M. John Lubetkin "Banquet Table Jay Gould set for Jim Hill" 2000 - 2100 - Cheri Bonebrake "Operation Lifesaver" 2100 - 2200 - Father Dale Peterka "Minot Slide Show 1980 -
1998" Monday, July 16 0800 - 1000 - Registration 0800 - 1100 - Rail Fair 0900 - 1130 - Margie's Class 1200 - 1345 - Business Meeting / Sack Lunch 1400 - 1730 -
1. Richard Bonebrake "Call Boy Experiences" 1730 - 1900 - Dinner on your
own 1900 - 2130 - Model Railroad Layout Tour 1900 - 2130 - Scandinavian Tour Tuesday, July 17 0600 - 0715 - Breakfast on your own 0730 - 1730 - Lift Bridges Tour & Fort Union Tour; Lunch on Location 1730 - 1845 - Dinner on your own 1930 - 2200 - Orphan Train Play Wednesday, July 18 0600 - 0745 - Breakfast on your own 0800 - 1200 - GN Minot Tours includes Gassman Coulee Bridge, Gavin Yard, Railroad Museum of Minot, and Soo Line Depot. 1200 - 1400 - BBQ Lunch and train rides at Roosevelt Park 1430 - 1530 - Gordon Brandvold - "GN 1966 Blizzard slide show" 1530 - 1630 - Duane Buck "Model Clinic - Revisiting EMD F Units" 1730 - 1800 - Happy Hour 1800 - 2200 - GNRHS Banquet and door prizes presented. David Burns - Dinner Speaker "Minot Memories from 1964".