News about and related to the Great Northern Railway Historical Society.
Company Store Survey
Thank you to all who responded to our recent store survey. We got much good feedback about possible new products, and will be proceeding with production of the N scale grain elevator and water tank with pump house. Interestingly, five people asked for things that we already have in the store. We have been adding Read more…
Convention Videos are Live!
190 members enjoyed last month’s GNRHS Virtual Convention. The Board meeting had 33 attendees, the business meeting 39 (about the same as our live conventions!), and Bob Kelly’s Archives presentation drew 54 people. Other presentations averaged about 50 attendees. And the auction of 30 donated items raised about $4,000 for the Society. We have good news Read more…
GNRHS Board of Directors Nominations Are Due Oct. 24
This is a call for nominations to serve on the GNRHS Board of Directors. At least two positions, and perhaps three, are open this year. This is your chance to actively participate in creating the future of the society. Directors are elected to six year terms. The Board meets annually at the GNRHS Convention and Read more…