Ora Deal (1887-1960) loved trains. For many years he lived in Starkweather and Enderlin, ND where as a hobby he took pictures of Soo Line and Great Northern trains. He also belonged to a group called the International Engine Picture Club. Sponsored by The Railroadmens’ Magazine, it offered rail enthusiasts free membership to encourage them to share their pictures with one another.
The Deal collection has several hundred pictures featuring the GN and other railroads. Many were taken by Mr. Deal himself, but there are also contributions from such noted photographers as Warren McGee, Ron Nixon, John Granfors, Robert Graham, and others. The collection now will be archived with the North Dakota Railroad Museum and the GNRHS.
Our thanks go to Deal family member Diane Tollefson for her generous gift. It is men and women like Diane who help keep the memory of the Great Northern alive for today’s and future generations.
Bud Fritz: I am working on a local history book. Do you have anything on the railway at Chelan Falls . The railway line from Wenatchee and Oroville was completed in 1914,
lee jackson: I am looking for information on a locomotive engine #205 on the Montana Central R.R. from Butte to St. Paul fast passenger train. In the 1890s.
Don Bowman 97-4127: I recently joined a group of volunteers in the City of Tenino, Washington to help rebuild GNRY Caboose X549. The City recently purchased it from an owner in Bothell Washington near Seattle. It was being utilized for a small business building.
The caboose is sitting on its original trucks, a plus, but lot of original inside details are not present and rebuilding a caboose is not something our group has ever under taken; though a few of us have had some housing construction and wooden boat rebuilding experience this caboose is going to be a challenge. It has seen better days.
My question is, do your archives have any construction blue prints that would come close to the X549 / 90775 in lay out for framing, electrical wiring and type of material used in construction of this car? Anything will help.
When completed in a few years, the GNX549 Caboose will sit on railroad track in front of the Tenino Depot Museum as GN X549. Thanks again for your help. Don
Bud Fritz: Searching for nformation on a chinese and indian battle that took place in chelan falls in 1875, Would your records have any info on this.
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