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Page Seven

Quick link to GNR Color Chips

Ore Cars

All in mineral red. Lettering and numbers white. No monogram.

Tank Cars

Some cars have tank in aluminum color, everything else black; lettering and numbers black on tank. Others are entirely black, including tank; lettering and numbers white on tank. No monogram. These for company loads only; revenue cargo cars are rented.

Refrigerator Cars

All belong to Western Fruit Express Co., a subsidiary. Sides yellow, roof aluminum color, ends reddish brown, underframe and trucks black. Lettering black except small areas having white lettering. Monogram 39 5/8-inch; "Great Northern Railway" wording; outer circle black, lettering black on background of car yellow, goat and mountain yellow in inner field of black.


Roof, underframe, trucks, hardware and window trim black, sides and ends caboose red. Lettering and numbers yellow. Monogram 54-inch; outer circle yellow, lettering yellow on caboose red background, goat and mountain white in inner field of black.