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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Photos from left to right:

Convention Welcome Banner provided by member Kris Werner and Tag-up.com

The Mansfield Branch Tour - Bob Kelly and John Langlot

#1 - John Langlot takes attendance; #2 - Bob Kelly interprets the area above Columbia River siding; #3 - Looking down the Columbia River with Mansfield Line right of way branching off to the left.

Palisades, WA townsite:  #1 - Building foundation along ROW; #2 - Bob holds up interpretive display; #3 - Bob shows where the line went; #4 - Scott Tanner poses in front of the Palisades sign; #5 - Bob displays a piece of the line's rail.

Where Mansfield Branch climbs into canyon:  #1 - Behind Bob is the canyon; #2 - the group next to our tour bus.

Withrow, WA:  #1 - John Langlot shows where he used to work as a GN employee; #2 - Scott Tanner looks over an old telephone pole.

Mansfield, WA:  #1 -  downtown Mansfield; #2 - checking out the second-hand store; #3 - having lunch at city hall

Catching some shade in Douglas, WA

Waterville, WA:  #1 - Passing the old GN depot; #2 - Wheat exhibit in the Douglas County Museum; #3 - Old GN loving cup award for 1912 potato growing;  #4 -Our reward from Bob for surviving the tour!

Saturday dinner at the Applewood Grill!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Photos from left to right:

GNRHS Board Meeting

#1 - Max Ulver, Duane Buck and Ray Chappell discuss some business while Jeff Richardson and others look on; #2 - Don McGlothin, Phil Gjevre, Bill Sornsin, Jim Chinquist, etc.

Lunch hors d' oeuvres before the Railfair

Railfair swap meet and model contest

#1 - books and shirts; #2 - the view from Scott Tanner's table; #3 - various model contest entries; #4 - Duane Buck's prize-winning F units; #5 - new model from GNRHS (note:  this will show up in the GNRHS Store when I have the details).

Cordell Newby gives his talk about GN Electrics.